
Courtesy is Contagious, and Enforceable

If you've been on the subway in the last month, you've probably noticed an added announcement from the conductor asking you to give up your seat for the elderly and for pregnant women. Hoping to appeal to passengers' better natures, the MTA adopted the slogan, "Courtesy is Contagious." Now, however, the transit authority is launching a campaign to remind passengers that there are legal retributions in addition to karmic retributions for not being courteous. From the article:
"Those who refuse could be fined $25 to $50 -- or even face up to 10 days in jail.

Signs are going up this week in thousands of subway cars and buses. The law has long been on the books; transit officials are now trying to get people to obey it."
So remember, be a good person. Or else the MTA will get you.

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